Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Are you operating within the scope of your Dubai Financial Services Authority Representative Office licence?

Considering upgrading to a Category 4 licence?

A Representative Office (Rep Office) undertaking activities outside of the scope of its licence might be in breach of Article 42(4) of the Regulatory Law and the DFSA could take appropriate regulatory action if it considers a breach has occurred including withdrawing authorisation or taking formal enforcement action. 
Rep Office licence holders are permitted to market one or more financial services or financial products which are offered in a jurisdiction other than the DIFC by a related party i.e. its head office, another branch of the head office or a Group member.
(a)    Providing information on one or more financial products or financial services
(b)    Engaging in promotion in relation to (a) or
(c)    Making introduction or referrals in connection with the offer of financial services or financial products
Financial products: an Investment, a Credit Facility, a Deposit, a Profit Sharing Investment Account or a Contract of Insurance.

Financial services: A broad list of activities specified in GEN module rule 2.2.2.


û No arranging
Rep Offices are not permitted to conduct arranging activities and can only refer or introduce potential customers to a related party, who provides the financial products or services.

û No advising
Prohibited from ‘Advising on Financial Products’ e.g. giving a view on the merits of an investor buying or selling a financial products. It can only give factual information about services offered by a related third party.
û No Clients
No client relationship or relationship management activities are permitted e.g. you cannot nominate a Rep Office employee as a key contact for a potential customer to make enquiries or complaints.

Limited marketing
A Rep Office is limited to providing factual information and promotional literature about financial products or financial services, e.g. product features and benefits, offered by a related party outside of the DIFC. Limited to Professional Clients and Market Counterparties only.


ü Arranging
Licensed to conduct ‘Arranging Deals in Investments, Arranging Credit and Advising on Credit, Arranging Custody and Insurance Intermediation’.

ü Advising
Licensed to conduct ‘Advising on Financial Products’ and in the case of insurance products, ‘Insurance Intermediation’ allowing the entity to give opinions, recommendations or specific advice on buying and selling.
ü Clients
Licensed to maintain and manage client relationships, assist with the completion of account opening documentation,  subscriptions forms, and acceptance and forwarding of client instructions.
ü Marketing
Licensed to provide more in depth information, e.g. recommendations to buy/sell with virtually no restrictions. The distribution of marketing material can be tailored to the client.
May apply for a Retail Endorsement on its License.

How HOLT consultancy can help you

ü  Evaluate your existing scope of activities and check if you are operating within the boundaries of permitted activities.
ü  Assist with varying or upgrading a licence including detailing the rationale for the licence variation and updating the Regulatory Business Plan.
ü  Provide Compliance and AML manuals tailored to your business model.
ü  Develop a Risk Based Compliance Monitoring Program.
ü  Assist in completing applications for new Authorised Individuals.
ü  Train employees for interviews with the regulator.
ü  Document and help you to implement systems and controls to meet the regulator’s requirements according to your risk appetite.

Contact us now to discuss your requirements.
+971 4 386 6360 or +971 50 644 2541

Email: info@holtconsultancy.com

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Setting up a regulated entity in the DIFC

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is the financial hub for the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.

It is a financial free zone established by the United Arab Emirates Federal Decree No. 35 of 2004 and defined in Federal Law No. 8 of 2004.

The DIFC has over 1500 active registered firms and hosts regulated and non-regulated entities.

These include:

  • Designated Non-Financial Businesses or Professions (DNFBPs) including lawyers and accountants.
  • Representative Offices.
  • Non-regulated entities including restaurants and cafes, gyms, printers, couriers and more.
  • Regulated financial services entities.
Entities who will be providing financial services must submit an application to the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) to become authorised and issued with a licence. The DFSA is the regulatory body in the DIFC. It authorises and registers, supervises and enforces legislation it administers.

Firstly, the category of licence required must be determined and this depends on the financial services to be conducted by the applicant. 
The categories are:

  • Category 1 
    • Accepting Deposits
    • Managing an unrestricted Profit Sharing Investment Account (PSIAu)
  • Category 2 
    • Providing Credit
    • Dealing in Investments as Principal
  • Category 3A 
    • Dealing in Investments as Principal
    • Dealing in Investments as Agent
  • Category 3B 
    • Providing Custody (for a Fund)
    • Acting as a Trustee of a Fund
  • Category 3C 
    • Managing Assets
    • Managing a Collective Investment Fund
    • Providing Trust Services as a trustee of an express trust
    • Managing a restricted Profit Sharing Investment Account (PSIAr)
    • Providing Custody (other than for a Fund)
  • Category 4 
    • Arranging Deals in Investments
    • Advising on Financial Products
    • Arranging Custody
    • Insurance Intermediation
    • Insurance Management
    • Operating an Alternative Trading System
    • Providing Fund Administration
    • Providing Fund Trust Services (where it is not acting as trustee in respect of an express trust)
    • Arranging Credit and Advising on Credit
  • Category 5 - Islamic Financial Institution which manages a PSIAu.
  • Representative Office - Carrying out a very narrow set of activities described as marketing of financial services or financial products offered in the jurisdiction outside the DIFC by a 'related party' ie its head office, another branch of the head office or a Group member.
The application process for authorisation to operate as a DFSA regulated entity is:
  1. Introductory meeting with the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). 
  2. Letter of Intent filed with the DIFC.
  3. DFSA informally reviews submission.
  4. Applicant lodges full application along with a Regulatory Business Plan.
  5. DFSA will conduct a review of the application and carry out due diligence.
  6. DFSA issues In-Principal Approval.
  7. Following an In-Principal Approval the applicant will need to complete the following:

·    Incorporation and registration of the company with the DIFC Registrar of Companies.

·    Open a local bank account and provide evidence of remittance of capital.

·    Provide evidence of office space where financial activities will be conducted from.

  1. Once all In-Principal conditions have been met by the Applicant, the DFSA will carry out an on-site visit and will issue the entity’s licence to operate.
HOLT consultancy is experienced in assisting clients with the licence application process. Please contact the team at HOLT consultancy by email using info@holtconsultancy.com or by phone on +971 4 386 6360 to discuss your requirements.

More information can be found on our website http://www.holtconsultancy.com.  

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Who is HOLT consultancy?

HOLT consultancy is an award winning professional compliance and risk management service provider with an excellent reputation.

It was established in 2012 and is based in Dubai International Financial Centre.


View of HOLT consultancy offices in Liberty House from the Burj Khalifa"To be the premier choice for companies when selecting a professional compliance and risk management service provider."


"To develop our client's business through premier quality and expert execution by focusing on their needs and providing business solutions. We strive to offer a service that exceeds expectations through our commitment to clients, adding maximum value to their business and protecting their reputation."

HOLT consultancy provides services in the areas of:
  • Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Governance
  • Authorisation
It has a good relationship with the Dubai Financial Services Authority and the Dubai International Financial Centre. 

The team at HOLT consultancy are all qualified and experienced in compliance and undertake continuing professional development.

Please contact the team at HOLT consultancy by email using info@holtconsultancy.com or by phone on +971 4 386 6360 to discuss your compliance needs. More information can be found on our website http://www.holtconsultancy.com.